Jerzy Małek Black Sheep

The band consists of titled Polish jazz musicians with many years of cooperation with the legends of Polish and world jazz: saxophonist Radek Nowicki, pianist Piotr Wyleżoł, bassist Max Mucha and drummer Sebastian Frankiewicz. Music is a fusion of many musical styles combined with untamed jazz improvisation. In the harmonic layer, we will hear sophisticated modernist combinations of chords creating a common narrative which characteristic feature is the impressionist extension of the form. This feature allows you to combine elements of modern jazz with other musical genres or their elements, which the trained ear will recognize after a while. Melodic layer are phrases that can be repeated after the first interrogation, which causes the music, despite its sophistication, communicative even to the immature recipient. And finally, the rhythmic layer, very rich, balancing between jazz, hip hop and alternative rock, unites the whole project, creating together with the rest of the elements a quintessential musical style.

Jerzy Małek – trumpet
Radek Nowicki – sax
Piotr Wyleżoł – piano
Max Mucha – bass
Sebastian Frankiewicz – drums
12.01.2019 19:00
Concert Room of Centre for Culture in Lublin (Centrum Kultury w Lublinie) / Peowiaków 12
35 zł / miejsca siedzące numerowane
Online tickets
Ticket office opening hours
10:00-19:00 from monday to friday and 1 hour before the show / tel: 81 4666140 / mail:
