Hidden Orchestra (UK) – AV Show


Ladies and gentlemen,
with great regret we inform that due to the illness of one of the band members, the concert is cancelled. Soon, we will give a new date for the concert.
Purchased tickets remain valid, detailed information on return tickets are available at the Centre for Culture box office.

On November 16th the Centre for Culture in Lublin will host a unique audiovisual event – the concert of Hidden Orchestra. It will be the group’s first concert in Lublin and the only performance in Poland. The concert will be part of the AV Tour (Audiovisual Tour), during which Tom Lumen will be creating and mixing the visuals in live.

Hidden Orchestra is one of the world’s most important groups combining jazz with electronic, classical, and hip-hop music. This Scottish band from Edinburgh, founded by Joe Acheson – the author of music for a number of radio dramas and documentaries, has performed before such artists as Bonobo, Red Snapper and Jaga Jazzist. The group’s live line-up consists of four talented musicians:

Joe Acheson – the leader, who plays live instruments and electronically processes the sound, Poppy Ackroyd – a violin and keyboards virtuoso, Tim Lane – whose domain is the trombone and drums, and Jamie Graham – a drummer. Their music is a unique fusion of illustrative music and nu-jazz,
acoustic sounds, samples, hip-hop rhythms, and classical influences. Such a combination takes the audiences for a hypnotic journey through imaginary lands, full of surprising places and nooks.Hidden Orchestra was invited to write a new score for Powaqqatsi, a cult film directed by Godfrey Reggio, and had to face the legendary soundtrack composed by Philip Glass. The group is considered to be one of the most interesting bands on the UK jazz scene. Their music will definitely appeal to audiences who like The Cinematic Orchestra and Portico Quartet. After the release of the debut album, the group has toured the world and performed both at small clubs and major festivals.
So far they have released two studio albums: Night Walks (2010) and Archipelago (2012).

Joe Acheson (bass/samples)
Poppy Ackroyd (keys/fiddle)
Tim Lane (drums/percussion/trombone)
Jamie Graham (drums/v-drums)
Tom Lumen (visuals)

16.11.2015 19:00
Centrum Kultury w Lublinie, ul. Peowiaków 12 (Centre for Culture in Lublin)
40 zł tickets / 60 zł tickets with seats
Online tickets
Ticket office opening hours
10.00-19.00 monday-friday / tel. 81 4666140
