9. Lublin Jazz Festival / Viktor Tóth Tercett (HU/SK)

“Viktor Toth is one of the most talented musicians in the young generation of jazz artists in Hungary” said the press when reviewing his 2007 Climbing with Mountains, which, incidentally, won best jazz album of the same year.Viktor Tóth earned the title jazzman of the year 2010 on Fidelio’s countrywide online poll in 2011. Despite this, he still sees himself as a truth seeker and with his musical endeavors seeks to reach oneness with universal harmony. As Toth has played with such internationally renowned musicians as Hamid Drake (drums), Henry Franklyn (bass), William Parker (bass) and Mihaly Dresch (sax), he has garnered respect as a peer and has grown as a musician from these collaborations. His musical expression is dynamic yet sensitive and he strives to capture the energy of the moment with every performance. He has played throughout Europe and the United States in various jazz festivals. He leads his own Toth Viktor Tercett, he composes his own material, he produces music for contemporary dance performances and he collects folk music… He is always looking to forge ahead in new directions.

The Viktor Tóth Tercett was started in August of 2004 and had its first performance that same August at the 2004 Sziget Music Festival. The tercet, lead by Viktor Tóth on sax, plays compositions written by Tóth which linger on the border between well-composed pieces and free sounds; his pieces are written with a view to evoking the energy of the moment and this is manifest in the performance. The other members of the tercet have played with Tóth in other formations so they know him well; this naturally means the members of the tercet work well together and the performance style is driven and creative. The Viktor Tóth Tercet released its first album in April 2005 on the Gramy label after it the Climbing With Mountains theTartim, the Popping Bopping and the Present came out and continues to be a regular fixture in the cultural life of Budapest and Hungary. The tercet rounds out its musical offerings by playing various festivals abroad as well.

Viktor Tóth – tenor sax
György Orbán – double bass
Dávid Hodek – drums

The concert is co-financed by the Hungarian Institute for Culture in Warsaw


22.04.2017 22:00
Festival's Club / Underground Stage of Centre for Culture in Lublin / Peowiaków 12
30 pln or 1-day ticket for all concerts of the evening: 80 pln ticket
Online tickets
Ticket office opening hours
10.00-19.00 from monday to friday and 1 hour before the show / tel. 81 4666140
